5 Practiced Ways to Stop Your Dog from Barking Constantly

Dogs are adorable creatures and it is quite difficult to find anyone who does not love them. They are faithful and can be your best friend even in the toughest times. But things become difficult for us when our dogs start barking constantly and we are unable to find the reason for their discomfort.



What to do in a situation like this? Shouting and yelling at your dogs is not the solution. HomeShielders have found out five unique ways to stop your dog from barking unnecessarily. Practicing these five methods can surely give out beneficial results in silencing your dog.

Top 5 ways to stop your dog from barking uncontrollably


  • Keep your dog active

Activity is an essential part of a dog’s daily routine and it has been seen that they may bark if they are bored. Dogs crave companionship and often hate being in isolation. If you have a dog in your house and it is barking continuously, then he/she might be in search of a companion. They bark to let others know that they are feeling lonely. Keeping a dog active can be an effective dog silencing technique and you can use numerous exciting dog toys for this purpose.


  • Set up sight barriers

Dogs are alerted instantly when they see or hear anything unusual in their field of sight. This is the reason you find dogs barking at the windows of your house very often. The problem gets bigger when they hear or see something that attracts their attention at night. They start barking when they are alerted. Setting up sight barriers is a great dog silencing method. Using privacy fencing can cut off their sight and will not trigger them anymore.


  • Set up a dog zone

You will often find your dogs start barking as soon as you leave your house. Do you know why this happens every time? Well as you know dogs crave companionship and they suffer from separation anxiety when they are alone. To help them with the problem and to stop their barking, here is an effective barking dog silencer method you can implement. Set up a quiet dog zone away from the main entrance of the house. Make sure the dog zone has a comfy bed, dog toys, a pest repeller, a privacy cover, and a dog silencing machine to guard off the outside sound.


  • Bark control devices

When nothing else works on the barking dogs, it may be time to implement the power of technology. Ultrasonic barking dog silencer devices have gained immense popularity in the market and they are quite effective as well. You might have already heard of Dog Silencer Max, a popular bark control device. Dogs find the ultrasonic sound very unpleasant and these ultrasonic bark control devices have proven to be successful in calming a barking dog. Many devices such as Dog Silencer Max come with an intensity dial which lets you adjust the intensity of the ultrasonic sound.


  • Train them well

Have you tried training your dogs to stop their unnecessary barking? There exist numerous tips and tricks to help them control their anxious mind. Few commands such as recalling, speaking, settling down, and staying in one place can help them be calm and stable. You should hire a professional dog trainer if you want effective results. Several desensitization techniques have proven to be effective in barking dogs over the years.

This blog sums up the top five effective dog silencing methods to calm a barking dog and to prevent them from getting anxious suddenly. HomeShielders suggest that you must adhere to the above-mentioned points and take professional help whenever required. Remember that you must use barking dog silencer devices such as Dog Silencer Max with care to avoid unwanted results.

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Ultrasonic Pest Repeller Device: Does It Work or Waste Your Money?

It is rare nowadays to find a household or a building without pests. Pests are everywhere and they come home uninvited. They damage our belongings and can potentially create havoc if not treated instantly. Removal of pests from garages, gardens, and households can be a hectic task and often requires chemicals to drive them away.



But what if we told you that it is possible to stay away from toxic chemicals and remove pests at the same time? HomeShielders have come up with an ultrasonic pest repeller which does all the work for you. Wondering how an ultrasonic pest repeller works? This blog has all the details you need to know about the new technology.


  • What is this new ultrasonic pest repeller?

Wondering what exactly is this ultrasonic repeller? Ultrasonic pest repeller is a type of electronic pest control device which emits high-frequency ultrasonic soundwaves when activated. These sound waves are not perceived by the human ear but the pests and other animals can hear them. The ultrasonic sound waves are known to trigger an audiogenic seizure response in pests, rodents, and bed bugs which makes them inactive and disabled.


The periodic usage of this device can also prevent the unwanted invitation of pests in your household. It is better to get rid of the toxic pest repeller chemicals and go for eco-friendly and harmless methods for effective pest control. Chemicals and toxins can damage our health and the long term usage can also bring damage to household infrastructure.


  • Cost of these ultrasonic pest repeller devices

Before you search for an ultrasonic pest repeller online, you should be aware of the cost of these devices. These devices range from $10 to $100 in the market. In this price range, you will get a variety of devices based on their color, range, and company. Keep this in mind that different ultrasonic pest control devices are specialized for different  pests.


Make sure you know what device you are buying and what the specifications are. The features in your device will impact the price. Pest repeller devices with more features will be costly; therefore its important to buy a device which has a warranty. 


Do these pest repellers devices work?

Before buying your first-ever ultrasonic pest repeller online, this question may arise. Do these devices work on pests? You should have a clear idea before investing your hard-earned money in the purchase. There were many speculations related to these devices back in the 1990s when the FTC charged six manufactures for their false claims.


But with the advancement in technology, the pest repeller manufacturers have come with new and highly advanced pest repeller devices that actually work on pests. The best advice will be to buy the ultrasonic pest repeller devices from trusted sellers in the market. Go for the eco-friendly and cost-friendly devices available in the market and be sure to check its authenticity first.


The final verdict

If you have finally found an effective pest repeller device from a trusted seller and you are convinced that this is the one, then simply go for it. Remember that these devices might not work on all types of pests and only work on the targeted pests. Keep in mind the cost of these devices and the range as well. Check out for the reviews by other customers before buying the ultrasonic pest repeller online. HomeShielders suggests purchasing  the device only if necessary.

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4 Superfire Tips To Handle A Barking Dog

Let’s be honest, we all love dogs. We adore them and love them because of their loyalty and faithfulness towards their master. But did you know that there is a certain breed of dogs that are born to bark almost all the time?




Dogs generally bark when they find things around them to be suspicious and mysterious. Their curiosity cannot be tamed by you and you have to let them be that way. But sometimes their frequent barking can hamper your sound sleep and irritate you unintentionally.


HomeShielders have come up with some unique dog silencing methods that will prove to be effective in the long run.


Why do dogs bark? - Some Primary Reasons


Are you wondering what can be the primary reasons why dogs bark? Well, there are numerous reasons to support their innocent barking habit.


  • Dogs are territorial animals and they tend to bark at people and animals when they approach or try to step in their marked territory.

  • These four-legged cautious animals respond immediately to alarms and suspicious sights. Remember that barking to alarms is not limited to their territories.

  • Did you ever notice dogs barking just to grab your attention? Yes, dogs often bark just to get the attention of the people.

  • They are living beings too and they need to exert out their frustration as well. Dogs bark their lungs out to project out their frustration.

Methods to handle a barking dog

Worried about how to handle the barking dogs who are interrupting your sound sleep? Luckily there are no violent and harmless ways to deal with the high pitched noise and HomeShielders recommend adopting the following practices to keep yourself undisturbed from the noise.


  • Using sight barriers

Invasion in their territories and suspicious activities caught in the eyes of the dogs can insist them to bark suddenly in the middle of the night. You need to grab their attention to something else. In simple words, you are basically blocking their sight and keeping them calm and relaxed.

Here is a unique and effective way to tackle this kind of situation. You can use the privacy fencing method as an effective barking dog silencer protocol. This method will cut off the views to the streets and neighboring gardens and your dog will remain unalarmed. Also, leave the curtains of the doors and windows closed and block all sights from your dogs.


  • Setting up a quiet zone

Your dogs might bark when you leave your house and this comes out from their separation anxiety. If you want to avoid this situation, then here is a thing you can do. Make a quiet place for your dogs but make sure you keep the place away from your main door. You can set up a quiet zone for dog silencing. A traditional dog quiet zone may include a comfy bed, a food-dispensing toy to keep them busy, and a white noise machine to block the eternal sounds.


  • Bark control devices

Technology has given us endless gifts and now companies have come up with bark control devices to control the dogs from barking. You have now got an idea about the nature of the dogs and the primary reasons why they bark. Innovations such as Dog Silencer Max, ultrasonic anti-bark system, stress-reducing collar, and miscellaneous pressure wraps.


These devices and anti-stress devices keep a check on the anxiety level of the dogs and ensure they do not get alerted even by the slightest disturbance in their surroundings.


  • Train them

Last but not the least thing to do is train your dogs properly. Discipline is the ultimate thing to maintain peace in your households and dogs are good in learning discipline. You can train them yourself or hire a trainer if you want to.


Training along with devices such as Dog Silencer Max can do wonders. Habituate them with some commands such as sitting, being quiet, and staying in one place. They will obey you and will not feel anxious anymore.


This article sums up the methods you can use to control the barking of your dogs. Make sure you adhere to the above-mentioned tips and tricks and implement them properly. Have a sound sleep every night from now on!


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5 Things You Need To Know Before Buying Ultrasonic Pest Repeller

Wondering how to get rid of those disease-spreading rats in your house? You might have tried and tested things such as setting mice traps around your house, putting in rat poison, and then dealing with dead mice. What if we told you that you can avoid all of the above-mentioned activities just by implementing a simple procedure.



HomeShielders have come up with a unique solution to deal with the pests present in your house. Getting rid of these irritating pests has become easier with the new ultrasonic pest repeller device. Keeping in mind the hurdles you need to face, this device can be your friend in need.


Top 5 things to know before you buy this device

Now before you step out of the house and head to the departmental store to buy this product, here are some points you need to consider before buying.


HomeShielders have come up with the top 5 points which you might want to consider before going for the new age ultrasonic pest repeller device. The points go as follows:


  • Ultrasonic Pest Repeller – What is it?

You might be wondering what exactly is this ultrasonic pest repeller device? This is the primary point you must know. Well, this device emits an ultrasonic wave or a high-frequency noise which repels the pests as well as eliminates them. Pests such as diseases carrying rats and bugs can be found in your household and to get rid of them, this device can prove to be an effective tool.


  • Knowing about how the device works

Now that you know what exactly this pest repeller is, let us know dig deep down to know more about its functionalities. The baseline of this device is the ultrasound which is emitted from it. Ultrasound in simple words is a sound that is more than 20,000 Hz.


It cannot be detected by the human ear and this concept was used by the Chinese civilization in ancient times to drive away pests from the crop fields. Rodents can perceive such a high-frequency sound and this ultrasonic pest repeller is a perfect tool to create an audiogenic seizure exposure in the pests.


  • The target pests for this device

Now that you know how ultrasonic pest repeller works, you might have considered looking for an ultrasonic pest repeller online. But before that, you need to know which are the pests and bugs this device can target and bring down easily. Here is a piece of good news for you. This wonder device works well on a variety of bugs and pests in your household.


Pests such as rats, cockroaches, spiders, ants, fleas, disease-spreading flies, and bats can be smoothly tackled without worries. It is completely safe for your pets like cats and dogs as they are not affected by the ultrasound.


  • The cost of this device

We have acquired all the required information about this pest repeller. Before you search for an ultrasonic pest repeller online, you must have an idea about its cost in the market. The price range of this pest repeller varies from $10 to $100 in the markets. Remember that the price depends on factors such as brand and the variety of pests it can repel.


If you want to go for a cost-cutting option, then choose the plugin repellers. These plugin repellers cost less than the corded repellers and are effective as well.


  • The hidden facts

You now know how effective these pest repellers are and how well these ultrasonic pest repellers work depend on your household and the type of pests. Before buying, remember that these devices do not guarantee a 100 percent removal of pests from your household. You need to maintain cleanliness and properly ventilate your area periodically to get the maximum benefits.


This blog sums up the benefits of ultrasound pest repellers and why you should be going in for the purchase. A pest-free home is a disease-free home and this device will help you achieve your cleanliness goals.



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5 Things You Can Do To Stop Dog Barking On Your Street

Almost everyone has a pet, and in most cases, dogs are the ones that humans admire the most as pets. Usually, people take care of their pets and they try their best to keep the pets calm. But sometimes pets might feel naughty or vulnerable to something and as a result, they start making noises. In Dog’s example, they will start barking. Sometimes barking can be really irritating, today, I have listed 5 best practices that you can do to stop dog barking in your surrounding.





If dogs are barking randomly in your surrounding then you must try these out. Every below-listed practice is effective. 


Try to find the reason

Generally, dogs don’t bark randomly, there could be a reason behind their restless barking. The very first thing you must do is go out and check the surroundings and try to find that reason. If you are familiar with dogs’ behavior, you will understand that problem within a few moments. 


You can give them something to eat, they might be hungry. Greet them with a low tone voice. These two activities might calm the street dogs. Do not yell on them, this may increase their anxiety and they might bark more. Dogs don’t feel comfortable with a loud voice, so try to handle the situation with a soft tone. 


Use Music to Calm the dogs

Sometimes, the dogs might get bored, and they need something to interact with. You can use Dog music to calm them down. Generally, Music works like charm if the dog is bored or feeling anxious but if the reason is something else then this might trigger him and he could bark more to make you understand that something is wrong. It is recommended to handle the whole situation calmly. Your love might automatically calm them down. 



Go near them and engage them


Another reason for dog barkings is that they need human interaction. Dogs are one of the most human-friendly animals and sometimes they want a human to play with them. All you need to do to stop their barking is “go near them and play for a while”. Once they are tired, they’ll fall asleep and ultimately you’ll feel relaxed. 


Use Dog Silencer devices

If your street has more than one dog and their barkings irritate you then you can rely on street dog silencer. Besides this, if your neighbor has a group of dogs then you can use neighbors’ dog barking silencer devices. Dog silencers are built on the basis of requirements, so first, you need to determine, for which category of dogs (street or neighbors) you need a silencer device and then you can accordingly buy one. 



Use an anti-bark collar


You can use dog silencer devices such as “Dog silencer Max” which is a little bulky and it has a separate component that you need to place in the line of sight of dogs because walls can reduce the efficiency of dog silencer. If you need a quick and cheap solution then anti-bark collars are the best option for you. 



You just have to put the collar in the dog’s neck and you are done. Now whenever the dog will bark, the collar will emit a static correction of low level and these corrections are completely safe for the dogs. Gradually the dog will understand that barking isn’t something he must do very often. 



In this article, you learned about 5 things that you can practice to stop dog barking in the streets.  Though there are 5  different practices it is recommended to try the first one at the beginning. Always try to understand the reason behind the dog’s barking because dogs don’t bark. He/She might be feeling something weird and that’s what they are trying to convey you through barkings. Do not treat the dog rudely, this might make them more anxious and depressed. 



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Do Ultrasonic Pest Control Repellents Actually Work?

Every Ultrasonic pest control repellent device claim that it is capable enough to repel insects from your house. But then the question arises that are these pest control repellent devices actually effective?





Besides this, there are some DIY pest control measures that are listed over dozens of websites on the internet.  But it is recommended to avoid these measures because hardly one of them will help you get rid of a few insects, the rest of them will waste your time. 



Pests are not something that can be eliminated without a proper device or expert’s help. If you have spare time and can afford a professional service then it is suggested to go for it because professionals will help you repel pests for a long period of time. 



But if you can’t manage to hire a professional, you can use the pest repellent devices. Being a responsible customer, you must investigate before purchasing such a repellent device. 



In this article, I’ll help you evaluate whether you should buy an ultrasonic pest repeller. But before that let’s understand the working of pest repellent devices. 


How do these ultrasonic pest repeller devices work?

Basically, when you plug a device in an electric socket, these devices emit different ultrasonic sounds that claim to repel insects. According to the manufacturers of these devices, Humans can’t hear these ultrasonic sounds and only insects or rats can hear them. Even several studies show that after listening to the ultrasonic sounds, pests run for covers, and ultimately they’ll run away from the house. 

But these are all theories, practically some ultrasonic pest repellers can harm humans so better check their description before buying one. 


Now, let’s understand whether these ultrasonic pest repellers are actually effective or not. 


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